Repainting of Front of Town Hall
In case you are wondering what is going on at the Town Hall, scaffolding went up yesterday ready for the much needed repainting and repairs to the walls, woodwork and balcony at the front of the Town ...
Tenterden Neighbourhood Plan to be considered at the Town Council meeting on 13th June 2023
Tenterden Town Councillors will consider the Tenterden Neighbourhood Plan at a meeting of the town council to be held on Tuesday 13th June 2023. At this meeting, Town Councillors will be asked to giv...
Annual Town Meeting
The Annual Town meeting will be taking place tonight in the Town Hall at 7pm. All residents are very welcome. For the agenda, please visit our meetings page. If you are unable to attend, you s...
New Town Mayor & Deputy Town Mayor for the year 2023-2024
Following the Annual Town Council meeting held on Monday, 15th May, we are pleased to announce that Cllr. Mrs. Sue Ferguson was elected as Town Mayor and Cllr. Andy Holcombe was elected as Deputy Town...
King Charles III Coronation Seen Through The Baron’s Eye
Baron John Crawford has produced a very informative document regarding King Charles III Coronation, as seen through the eyes of the Baron. As many of you may know, John received an invitation to th...
Annual Town Council meeting & Annual Town Meeting Notice
We have two major meetings coming up for the Town Council: Monday, 15th May is our Annual Town Council meeting where we choose our next Town Mayor & Deputy; and on Monday, 22nd May we have our Annual ...
Finance Officer, part-time
The Town Council is recruiting for a part-time qualified Finance Officer to join its friendly and welcoming team at the Town Hall. The Finance Officer is responsible for the maintenance of all account...
Ashford Borough Council Elections - Thursday, 4th May 2023
Please find here a link to the Ashford Borough Webpage containing the Notice of Poll and Situation of Polling Stations for the elections on 4th May 2023. Please note that for Tenterden & St. Michaels...
Town Council correspondence with Ashford Borough Council regarding the Air Source Heat Pumps at Tenterden Leisure Centre
Following the installation of air source heat pumps at the rear of Tenterden Leisure Centre, there have been several letters of correspondence between TTC and ABC. These are all included below for t...
Recycle your make-up containers at Tesco & SpaceNK
Keep the planet beautiful. Recycle your make-up containers at Tesco & SpaceNK, today. All brands accepted. Tesco: drop off in the Maybelline branded deposit bin by the tills SpaceNK: Ask staff for a s...
Turn Down the Boiler Flow Temperature on your Combi Boiler
It only takes a few minutes to set your combi boiler to 60°c or less and save yourself over £100. Follow the simple steps here. Find other simple ways to save on bills with the Town Council's qu...
The Wilder Kent Awards
Please use the application form here. Find out more about the Wilder Kent Awards 2023 here.
Spring Fun Day 23rd April 2023
The programme is now out for the Spring Fun Day on 23rd April at Tenterden Railway, run by Plastic Free Tenterden. So much to do for just £1 entry (which is redeemable against any refreshments bought...
Wildflowers In The Heart Of Town
The grass will be cut at less frequent intervals in three areas of the High Street lawns to encourage low-flowering species including dandelions, daisies and clovers, in order to attract pollinatin...
Town Council Spring 2023 Newsletter
Our Spring 2023 Newsletter is now out for delivery to the majority of our residents (unfortunately our delivery company can only deliver to those addresses that have footpath access). An online copy...
Santus Circus on Tenterden Recreation Ground
It was with great sadness that, at a meeting with Santus Circus on Tenterden Recreation Ground yesterday (20th March), the difficult decision was jointly made to cancel the Circus using the Recreation...
Vampire Appliances
Don't let vampire appliances suck the life out of your energy bills! Unplug TVs, laptop chargers, and games consoles when not in use and save. Vampire appliances draw energy when left on standby o...