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Grants, Donations & Loans

Tenterden Town Council wishes to support local volunteer and community activities, recognising their value to the community the Council serves. Many such activities are best supported by giving a little financial assistance, where this seems likely to have a significant beneficial effect. However, the Council is subject to legal constraints on the purposes for which it can provide funds, and to budgetary constraints, and must adhere to these constraints.  

The Council will annually accept requests from local organisations for financial assistance and will consider each on its merits. These requests should be made according to the procedure listed in the following Grants, Donations & Loans Policy.  The downloadable Application Form can be either completed and handed in at the Town Hall or can be emailed direct to the Deputy Town Clerk:  dtc@tenterdentowncouncil.gov.uk  

Other Sources of Funding

In addition to the Town Council, there are other sources of funding available to organisations:

As is contained in our Policy, we do ask organisations to show that they have applied for funding from other sources, in addition to the Town Council.


The Town Council has over many years provided funding towards all different types of events, towards purchasing of equipment and locally run charities.  A small example of some of the successful applicants who received funds in the last three years (2021-23) are listed below:

Tributes in the Park, £1,000 Town Event donation

Spirit of Tenterden Festival, £2,500 Town Event donation

Tenterden Folk Festival, £2,500 Town Event donation

Tenterden History Society, £1,000 towards the production of a Family Fun Trail 

EC30, £1,000

Tenterden & District Museum, £1,000

Tenterden Big Wrap, £2,000

In April 2023, the Town Council approved the transfer of the residual funds from the Tenterden Leisure Centre Trust (TLCT) before being wound-up.  The funds transferred were in the region of £60,000 and are only to be used for funding sports bursaries.   Tenterden Sports Bursary is a scheme which provides funding for talented young sports people to contribute to the costs associated with their chosen sports.  Tenterden Town Council is acting as caretaker and processor for bursary applications until the transferred funds have been depleted. 

We are encouraging young, talented people to apply for the Sports Bursary and more information including eligibility can be found in our Tenterden Sports Bursaries Policy and Application Form.