There have been a number of people who have suggested that the Town Council arranges a 'fanzone' on the Recreation Ground for Sunday's Euro final. While Tenterden Town Council does not have the expertise, equipment, funds or manpower to run a fanzone, there are major added complexities. For instance, we would have to submit a 22-page Event Management Plan to the Safety Advisory Group at Ashford Borough Council and they, in turn, have to consult agencies including police, fire service and the NHS.
This process, which is designed to ensure that everyone is kept safe, is paramount and takes at least two months - it is therefore simply not possible to stage an event which is just three days away.
So while we're all looking forward to Sunday's game, we would suggest that local fans could support those pubs in the town which are planning big screen coverage or create your own mini viewing (Covid safe of course) in your own back gardens.