Following the installation of air source heat pumps at the rear of Tenterden Leisure Centre, there have been several letters of correspondence between TTC and ABC. These are all included below for transparency.
Letter from TTC to Tracey Kerly on 6th April 2023
Letter from TTC to Tracey Kerly on 12th April 2023 (follow-up to 6th April letter)
Letter to TTC from Victoria Couper-Samways on 19th April 2023
Letter from TTC to Victoria Couper-Samways on 20th April 2023
At the time of posting (26/04/2023), it is expected that planning application PA/2023/0217 will be considered by Ashford Borough Council’s Planning Committee. It is expected that the means of determining application PA/2023/0101 will be confirmed by the borough council in due course.