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Land Between Woodchurch Road & Appledore Road - Limes Land - Appeal Received

Today we have received notification that Wates Developments Ltd have lodged an appeal against Ashford Borough Council's decision regarding Planning Application 21/00790/AS.

The appellants have indicated that they wish the appeal to be considered at a public inquiry and ABC will write to us again nearer the time to advise us of the date and time for this when is has been confirmed.  

If you wish to view the appeal documents they are now only available on line at: using the planning application search links inputting the following reference: 21/00790/AS.

ABC have forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate and to the Appellants all comments that they have received from everyone relating to the application for planning permission which has led to this appeal.

Should people wish to modify, add to or withdraw earlier comments, in any way, or request a copy of the appeal decision letter, you can either do this online at, by email using the unique email address found on the Planning Inspectorates Start Date letter or in writing direct to the Planning Inspectorate, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN by 02 December 2021, quoting the appeal reference number.

Representations received after the deadline will not normally be considered by the Inspector and may be returned.

The Planning Inspectorate have produced a leaflet, "Guide to taking part in planning appeals" available at